Risk Implementation
Vice President SustainabilityOrganisation
A leading intermediate global gold producerI have recently completed the roll out of a global risk management framework with Geoff . Over a period of approximately 10 months we collectively developed and rolled out a consistent qualitative risk assessment methodology across three countries (US, Australia and Turkey). Using a hands on, interactive approach facilitating workshops at all levels of the business to develop skills in the process, we have succeeded in embedding a group wide risk management framework.
Geoff was instrumental in the implementation, providing support in terms of the framework build and expert facilitation of workshop sessions and risk content. He managed to bridge the divide in risk management process awareness in participants to get maximum value out of each session, ensuring key content was identified, well understood and cascaded up to the senior management.
Through the development of the process, Geoff ably assisted me in developing risk assessment skills amongst our team to the extent that the framework is now self-sustaining.